Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Welcome to WhyTrending (“we,” “us,” “our”). At WhyTrending, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you visit our website [] (the “Website”). By using our Website, you consent to the practices described in this policy.

2. Information We Collect

We may collect the following types of information:

  • Personal Information: We may collect your name and email address when you contact us.
  • Non-Personal Information: We may collect non-identifiable information such as your IP address, browser type, device information, and browsing behavior.

3. How We Use Your Information

We use your information for the following purposes:

  • To respond to your inquiries and provide customer support.
  • To improve our Website and user experience.
  • To analyze trends, track user behavior, and gather demographic information for aggregate use.

4. Disclosure of Information

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal information to third parties. However, we may disclose non-personal information to trusted third parties for analytics and marketing purposes.

5. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance your user experience and collect non-personal information. You can modify your browser settings to disable cookies, but this may affect the functionality of our Website.

6. Third-Party Links

Our Website may contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these external sites. Please review the privacy policies of those websites for further information.

7. Security

We implement reasonable security measures to protect your personal information. However, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed as completely secure.

8. Children’s Privacy

Our Website is not intended for individuals under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If you believe that we have inadvertently collected information from a child under 13%