February 05, 2024

11 Must-Know FActs About Jagannath Temple

1. The massive Sudarshan Chakra on the top of the temple looks the same from every angle, even when viewed from any direction in the city.

2. The flag on the Jagannath Temple moves the opposite way when the wind blows. No one has a scientific explanation for this yet.

3. Trained Priests daily replace the 20-foot flag by climbing the temple. For 1800 years, a saint has changed the banner.  If they miss even a day, the temple will be closed for 18 years.

4. The temple doesn't cast a shadow, regardless of the time or the sun's position.

5. You can't hear sounds from outside, including the sea waves, inside the temple.

6. More than thirty smaller temples are part of the temple complex.

7. Wooden idols are replaced with new ones during Nabakalebara, a ritual done every 8, 12, or 19 years. Specific neem trees are chosen for this purpose.

8. Thousands of priests prepare the Mahaprasad. Seven earthen pots are stacked. The topmost pot cooks first, followed by the rest.

9. Every day, a consistent amount of Prasad is cooked. No food goes to waste, and all devotees are fed every day.

10. It may surprise you, but there are no birds or planes flying above the temple.

11 . Every year, Rath Yatra is celebrated on the second day of the Ashadha month in the Hindu calendar, usually in late June or early July. In 2024, it will be on 7th July (Sunday).

February 02, 2024

Explore renowned tourist destinations in Nashik